Grand Theft is generally defined as the unlawful taking of another’s property that is valued at over $950. This type of crime can be charged as a misdemeanor or a felony. The prosecutor will use items like your previous criminal history, whether or not a weapon was used, and the value of the property to decide between the two.
If you are facing charges, either a misdemeanor or felony, you need to obtain the help of a grand theft auto criminal defense attorney immediately. In most cases, if a vehicle is stolen and the charges are grand theft auto, the prosecutor will choose to proceed with felony charges.
The felony charges for grand theft auto often come with a sentencing of up to three years in prison and a fine up to $10,000. To help you avoid those penalties, our grand theft auto criminal defense lawyers will attempt to build a strong case for you. It may be possible for the charges to be reduced to a misdemeanor level which only comes with a penalty of up to one year in county jail and a $1000 fine. Call our offices today so that we can get to work defending you.