Felony sexual assault charges can be punished by up to twenty years in prison, and if you are convicted, you will have to register on the federal sex offender registry. In many cases, being charged with sexual assault can lead to a guilty conviction in the court of public opinion before you ever set foot inside of an actual courtroom. These can be difficult and trying times which is why having a sexual assault lawyer on your side is such an invaluable asset.
We believe very strongly in the constitutional right to proper legal protection, and we will work very hard to put together all of the facts of the case to make sure you receive just due process. Our highly skilled sexual assault attorneys have a primary objective to protect your rights and to protect your freedom. Our attorneys will work diligently and strive to keep you off of the federal sex offender registry because having to register can severely limit where you live and work.
Regardless of what offense you have been charged with, you will find an ally in our dedicated sexual assault lawyers. Contact us today to discuss the facts of your case and the possible outcomes.